22 June 2024, 10.30 - 4.00 pm Burridge Gardens Community Centre Archived

Cordage Workshop

We are running a day’s Cordage Workshop.  This will be led by Geraline Kelly who is a Guild Member and a very talented experienced cordage and basket maker.  The knowledge gained in this workshop could then be utilised in a wild basket making course later in the year.

If you would like to bring along your own leaves the suggestions are

Daffodil leaves, long grasses, spent dandelion stalks (the longest you can find) or other plant material that is long and slender.  the leaves should be dry enough that it doesnt go ‘squishy’ or turn into green mush when squeezed, but not so dry it crumbles and goes brittle.

Geraldine will focus on the technique of cordage and there will be a full range of materials to try.   You should go home afterwards confident that you can try out cordage on anything that seems suitable.

10 places available for LGWSD Guild Members only

For LGWSD Guild Members if you want to reserve a place please contact juliette.syme@gmail.com


For non Guild members please book through Eventbrite





Non members can book their place via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cordage-workshop-the-art-of-making-fibrous-leaves-into-twine-for-basketry-tickets-908359857787?aff=oddtdtcreator

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