14 October 2023, 1.30 - 4.00 pm Burridge Gardens Community Centre Community

Monthly Guild Meeting – Open Day

Free Entry

Would you like to learn more about fibre spinning, plant dyeing, weaving or tapestry and just want to give it a try before embarking on a new skillset?  We would love you to come along so our Guild members can show you their work and what is entailed in their crafts.  The Centre is  only a short walk from Clapham Junction station.

In addition we are holding two paid for workshops which give a more in depth knowledge into both plant dyeing and tapestry weaving ,which can be booked through Eventbrite

Natural Dye Taster Workshop

£15.00 pp  4 places available

If you are interested in a more hands on experience with natural dyes you can join our Natural Dye taster workshop. In this workshop you will learn how to extract dye from plant material, experience how different fibres take up dye and see the difference in colour when a mordant is used.   All materials and dyes are supplied.

This can be booked through Eventbrite

Tapestry Workshop

2.00 – 4.00 pm

£15.00 pp 10 places available

Try your hand at Tapestry Weaving.  Looms and materials are supplied which you can take home to either finish your creative art or start another one with your new skills.  You can learn how to create shapes and play with colour and textures with a variety of fibres.

This can be booked through Eventbrite.

This is now fully booked

Non members can book their place via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/natural-dye-workshop-tickets-661906880297

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