12 April 2025, Zoom 2.00 pm Archived

Monthly Guild Meeting – Carey Fleiner on Roman women, Sheep and Wool in the Classical world


Our Speaker for this month is Carey Fleiner – Senior Lecturer in Classical and Medieval History at Winchester University

Roman Women, Sheep, and Wool
Talk description This talk is considers the symbolism of spinning and wool in the
Classical world, with an emphasis on Roman women and the
household. We’ll consider where spinning and wool fit into popular
myths and how this reflects the importance of sheep, wool, and
spinning in the general economy. The main part of the discussion
looks at spinning as women’s work, and the significance of spinning
and household economy – not only the practicalities of the task, but
also the symbolism of spinning (and weaving) as representative of
domestic harmony.

Carey Fleiner 1Carey Fleiner 2 Carey Fleiner 3 Carey Fleiner 4

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