13 April 2024, 2.00 pm Zoom Archived
Monthly Guild Meeting – Speaker Mourne Textiles from NI
Our Speaker for this month is from the prestigious Mourne Textiles, Newry, Northern Ireland
This is a 3rd generation family run business established in 1949 by the Norweigan textile pioneer Gerd Hay Edie. Continuing on from this they have designed fabrics for Liberty, Sheila Mullay a Dublin born dress designer and Terence Conran.
The talk is entitled Fibre to Fabric – restoring our Textile Heritage in Northern Ireland
‘Out of the past flows the future’ Gerd Hay-Edie,
I will be giving an overview of Mourne Textiles and its origins, both the weaving mill and our Textile Designs. I’ll look atour use of traditional weaving techniques to manufacture our collection of blankets, cushion, fabrics, scarves and rugs. We celebrate and learn from our weaving heritage, keeping these skills alive for future generations.
I will also be touching on our recent Crowdfunding project ‘Fibre to Fabric’ which involves the restoration of flax processing and spinning equipment and the reviving of the skills needed to operate these machines which were once common within Northern Irelands textile landscape.
Non members can book their place via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fibre-to-fabric-restoring-our-textile-heritage-in-northern-ireland-tickets-856251319747?aff=oddtdtcreator